1/11 - 1/15 Training Week:
1/12 - Tuesday - Squat
1x10x65 with prosthetic on, no belt
3x8-10x65 single leg with belt. Was not able to reach parallel, hope to next week.
1/14 - Thursday - Bench: with prosthetic on due to bench design.
30 minute cycle an hour before training
Competition Grip. Felt good, was not able to grip limb properly on bench due to the design of the bench. Looking to increase weight next week.
Wide Grip
Close Grip
1/15 - Friday - Deadlift
5 minute cycle warm up
1x10x95 with prosthetic on
1x5x95 single leg, no belt, technique smooth and fast.
2x5x115 single leg, with belt, technique okay, speed okay.
1x5x135 single leg, with belt, technique okay, speed okay. Last two reps were solid, but a little slow.
Looking to complete more sets with 135 next week and ending with one set of 155.. hopefully.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Different Use of Blog for the Next 3 Months
For the next three months I will be using my blog to post and share information and progress of my work in a Central Washington University Ceramics Course.
I will have to research different techniques and styles and share them as they pertain to my ideas for my work.
Stay tuned for more..
I will have to research different techniques and styles and share them as they pertain to my ideas for my work.
Stay tuned for more..
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Day 3 GUA Trip -- Cotzal
Wow.. where to start..
Today started early with our venture from Nebaj into the heart of Cotzal where the Colegio Horeb Primary School is located. Upon our arrival the school organized a welcome reception for our team with open front row seats for all of us. We began with introducing ourselves to the students en EspaƱol. We returned to our seats to have the children perform their songs for us in English. After the songs, they showed us how they made their homemade dish BoxBul (pronounced bush-bowl) then made some for us to try and it was delicious! It is a leaf with cornmeal in the center wrapped up around the stem into a roll and boil, then served in little tomato sauce mmm! The students then taught us some of the expressions and had us speak them aloud for them, after each of us all the children cheered! The students then were dismissed to their classrooms where we would meet them in our planned groups to begin our 2 activities for the day.
Our activities were creating and decorated name tags (my groups) and leaf friends (leaves pasted onto paper then drawing an animal/friend out of its' shape). The children were so amazing with us, so welcoming and humble to our broken spanish speech. All the kids were interested in my prosthetic leg so we have planned to share my testimony with them tomorrow. We also got to play during recess with them and that was an experience in its self! These children have truly nothing and they are the happiest children I have ever met! We played soccer with a plastic ball about 1/2 the size of a full size soccer ball on cement with goals they made from scrap wood. The children were sliding to block shots, hitting aerial shots on goal as well as bicycle shots.. so amazing and so much fun!
One of my teammates told the kids that i was Fuerte (strong) so I was challenged to an arm wrestling match with one of the third grade girls and she was so strong! Then before leaving the school three boys challenged me to pull ups on the top of their soccer goal, phew that was hard, but so much fun and hope to get photos next time it happens. At 12:30 school was released for the day so we ventured to our group leader's son's house to eat lunch and pack up the pieces to a stove to make our first stove today.
Our first stove was going to the home of one of the third grade boys, Edwin's family. It definitely was a trek to get to his house, climbing a very sleep, narrow hill, but we made it safely with all supplies and team members. I am so thankful we got the chance to spend more time with Edwin outside of the school because it gave us a better chance to truly connect with him and his family! Their living conditions are very hard to witness, but their hearts are so happy and humble they truly make the best out of everything and it seems as the conditions do not effect their family as much as you would think. This was just the first day of working at the school and helping in their homes and it has already effected my teammates and I so deeply. For the rest of this week I can only imagine are hearts to grow larger for these great individuals as well as our passion to help others once we return to the states!
Day 4 tomorrow so stay tuned!!
picture 1- The reception set up inside their gym.
picture 2- Our team dropping off our gear to join the reception.
picture 3- The First Graders set up for their performance in between the 5th and 6th grade classrooms.
picture 4-9- The students behind me and on the side of me, the two boys right behind Lauren and I helped us pronounce our Spanish before we spoke in front of the school! Honestly accepted us so immediately that it's still blowing my mind with how kind they are!
pictures 10-11- The 1st and 2nd grade classes combined just before their performance (video posted on facebook of their song!)
pictures 12-15- Some of the soccer boys and I just before school is let out showing off their great smiles and awesome name tags!
picture 16- Teammate Danielle, standing next to Edwin's sister, as she is being taught how to build the stove to build on our own tomorrow, her and Brooklyn will be teaching the rest of the team.
picture 17- 5th grade boys during their performance.
picture 18- Lauren and I eating our Boxbul mmm!
picture 19- Leaf Friend Creation!
Picture 20- Name Tag Creation Station!
picture 21- Edwin's mother begins using her stove immediately one it's set up, making homemade corn tortillas mmm!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Day 2 GUA Trip -- Nebaj
This morning after breakfast we had devotion on the roof of our hotel in Antigua, the clouds from yesterday cleared the sky for the sun to shed light on the landscape surrounding us (pictures to come). We read through 1 John 1-10 and spoke about living our lives while walking in the light of God rather than just speaking of the light of God. With walking being an action, you are living life through the Lord's light, which in-turn opens yourself up for his light to shine deep inside you to lighten the darkness we all have inside. I relate to this chapter with all aspects of my life and within all experiences I've had, including those in my future. Before we left for our 7 hour bus ride to Nebaj we were asked to look for signs of hope and despair throughout the day.
As we rode through the region I saw many of these two fairly different signs. I saw hope within the facial expressions and reactions of the children and young adults who we passed through the villages. As we waved to them their faces would light up with a large smile, even jumping for joy at times with the younger children. I also saw signs of despair within those older individuals who we passed in the villages. Most older individuals we carrying supplies, food, and/or resources to walk back to their homes which could be miles away and the terrain is extremely steep everywhere. When I smiled and waved at them it was as if they didn't even see me, looking straight through me with no reaction or emotion at all. That was very sad to see in person!
On a better note the landscape during our ride was spectacular, just rolling mountains full of healthy forest life! Most slopes are steep and the locals utilize every inch of viable soil for crop, even on the absolute steepest slopes you can see rows upon rows of crops. It is mind blowing how they manage their crops on such steep terrain, our leader Rich told us that he'd seen men roped up to a tree above to repel down to manage the rows of crop! Just so eye opening how they are able to work in such harsh physically challenging conditions and not complain and not have any fear. I don't know too many people who would be able to work so hard for such little profit to then barely get by to provide food and shelter for their family. It is just so humbling to be in a country that is so full of challenges, hard work, despair, love, and not taking anything at all or anyone at all for granted no matter how deprived their life may be.
We stopped in Chichi for lunch, then finished our last leg of the trip to Nebaj passing the Rio Negro River that runs at the base of two massive sets of layered mountains (picture below). We pulled into Nebaj and have settled into our next destination where we will be staying for the next 5 nights, including tonight. Early day tomorrow starting with breakfast at 6:30 then leaving for the school in the village of Cotzal at 7:30. We will be their for the entire day then returning in the evening to Nebaj and will have another Day Update! Stay Tuned Y'all!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Day 1 GUA Trip - Antigua
Yesterday we flew from SEA to LAX to catch a red eye flight into Guatemala City early this morning. Once landed we went through customs, collected baggage from baggage claim and had to wait for customs to match everyones bags to their ticket from the whole flight. We then were picked up by 16 person Coaster Bus (or Turisimos) that we rode into Antigua to our Hotel for the night. Once everyone had their room keys we dispersed to drop of baggage and meet up to head downtown for a late breakfast.
The conditions here are not as extreme as other cities and not near what I am told it is like in the villages, our team leader describes Antigua as a tourist stop. It still is rural in itself though, the road beds are built of cobblestone from the early 1500s to the conquistador time. The buildings are just as old and you can find many ruins throughout the city, either abandoned or in use still in terrible condition. I have taken photos of some parts of day 1 mainly on my camera and will have to wait to post them later this week, but you will get to see some of the conditions I'm writing about. This city is full of history and I wish I spoke and could understand Spanish better so that I could converse better with the locals, but without it still is extremely interesting.
After taking two flights to get to Guatemala City my amputated leg was fairly swollen from the pressure with many altitude changes. With that in mind, 1/2 mile walk to downtown was pretty uncomfortable for my body, but I was able to return to the hotel after brunch to rest. I propped my right leg up and put a compression sock on my left limb and propped it up as well for my 2 hour nap. I woke up feeling better and ventured onto the roof of our hotel building to check out the view of the two volcanoes Antigua lies at the base of, Agua and Fuego. My Freshman and Junior year at CWU I actually debated on changing my Major to Geology to become a Volcanologist, but my love for Physical Education was too strong. The Volcan De Fuego is currently erupting so I hope to see the view at night before we leave if the sky is clear enough. I then joined our group for our devotional meeting where we ran through our itinerary and game plan for teaching at the school in Cotzal.
Following our meeting we ventured out for dinner, as the group walked myself and one of our leaders took a Tuk Tuk (like a very tiny scooter/taxi cab). That was a pretty crazy experience, no street lights, no separated lanes, people every where and vehicles every where, it was intense.
So I may be crazy, or not, but I decided to not bring my crutches on this trip and solely rely on my prosthetic leg for the 10 days in a foreign country. I brought my charger with me so I will be charging my knee every night just to be safe, but there is one large danger for it! WATER DAMAGE!! My prosthetic is not waterproof and Guatemala has many random flash rain storms.. So I found so waterproof pants tonight after dinner that I hope will help me keep my knee safe!
Now the plan for tomorrow, up for breakfast at 7:30 with devotion to follow at 8:30 where we are studying 1 John 1:9, 3:6, 4:4, and 5:13. After we will be on the road by 9:30 for Nebaj and the day will consist of travelling!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Lifting 4 Limbs T-Shirt Order in 2 Hours
All right here is the updated order list for Lifting 4 Limbs T-Shirts
I am ordering today in 2 hours from now so if you would like to add to the email me or message me as soon as you can!
Robert Pease- 2 L Blue
Adam Johnson- 1 Blue XXL
Dominic Santini- 2 S Pink, 1 XXXL Blue
Sage Way- 1 S Pink
Mark Horner- 1 L Blue
Steve Atlas- 1 M Blue
Andrew Reese- 1 Pink XL
Randall Harris- 1 Blue XXXL
Natalya Gall- 1 XXL Blue
Kaitlyn Mclaughlin- 1 S Pink
Orajin Somjai- 1 M Blue
Scott Newsome- 1 L Pink, 1 XL Blue
Noah Greenwald- 1 M Blue, 1 L Pink
Kevin McFadden- 1 XXL Blue
Dan Amadee- 1 XL Blue
Stacie Pomrening- 1 S Blue, 1 M Blue
Ashley McMahan- 1 S Blue
Kyle Willet- 1 M Blue
Jonni Hill- 1 M Pink, 1 M Blue
Annemarie Kemmerer- 1 M Pink
Angela Teal- 1 XS, 1 S
Ron Horton- 1 M Blue
Aly Pederson- 1 M Blue, 1 XL Blue
Cathy Belben- 1 S Pink
Ken Gack- 1 XL Blue
Colleen Hamilton- 1 L Blue
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Workout Shirts to send Ali to Guatemala

I was able to lower the price to get these made with the help of two great sponsors, RABfitness out of Kennewick, WA and PrettyStrong Powerlifting out of Georgia. Thank you so much Vanessa(PSP), Roger and Ally for your support!! If your looking for personal trainers and/or bodybuilding coaches Roger and Ally are elite, knowledgeable and experienced coaches, RABfitness Facebook Page.
If you are a young woman, older woman, amputee woman, etc.. looking for female support in the realm of health, lifting, exercise, physical fitness, etc. PrettySTRONG Powerlifting is a great group for support throughout all, PrettyStrong Webpage.
There are two colors available, blue and pink, as well as sizes up to 5XL. Sizes XS-L are $30 and XL-5XL are $35.
Single Leg Deadlifting Posters and photos are available too, pricing list is attached below.
I leave for Guatemala June 9th and will be putting the final order in June 7th. Once I return I will be sending them out to you and I only ask you one thing once you get your shirt.. to take a great workout picture with your shirt on and send it to me!
Thank you again for all of your support and I will be journaling and blogging about the lives I touch and those who touch mine while in Guatemala!
Stay tuned for the next fundraiser later this summer!
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