Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 10 -- Student Teaching

Tuesday my 1st&2nd period had a sub so I had to be at school at 6:55 for his zero hour class before school started. Zero hour, 1st, and 2nd period, all of the students were great for me! Especially with a substitute with me I was truly impressed with their performance!
4th period we had step aerobics and yoga which went well followed by another great lunch!
5th and 6th period we had the main gym for Badminton which I was really looking forward to! 5th period I taught and I felt like the kids were acting up a little bit,but not too bad until the end of class. As the kids brought their equipment in some through their rackets on the ground and kicked the back to the rack. I then sat everyone down in front of me and waited until they were quiet and respectful which took a bit. I then had to give them a lecture and tell them how disappointed I was with their performance and treatment of the schools equipment, which I hate doing! I told them I expected to see a huge improvement tomorrow so I guess I will see if the lecture was effective or not.
6th period was full of energy and a little outrageous, but they were great, listened well and were respectful to the equipment!
Once I got home I had a great family dinner with my roommates and our close friends, love them all dearly!
Followed by a good cuddle session with my little girl!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Weekend adventure to Wenatchee

Saturday my good friend Kevin and I drove to his tattoo artist "Doc" at Rebel Tattoo. I hadn't met Doc before, but had only heard of and seen great art created by him.
For a little background on why I went down there, I went to begin a tattoo that I've wanted for over a year now.
Since I was young I've always loved being outdoors and climbing trees. As I grew up if I wasn't at school for class or sports I spent all of my time at home until I was old enough to start working. In connecting with nature early on, I fell in live with it and out of all the trees my favorite became the Willow, laying under it in the summer with the light shining through. My step dad allowed me to plant a tree in our front yard and I chose to plant a Willow in my favorite place to lay. As years went by I endured many different types of pain between physical and emotional throughout my family and friends with most recently being my boating accident. As I overcame many hardships I always tried to think back to what made me happiest when I was younger and what calmed me the most that being sitting at the beach or under a Willow. I then was just overwhelmed with the need to have the Willow tattooed on me so I could keep it with me always. I then was prompted by my family to search for the meaning of the Willow tree and I found this Celtic meaning,

"Other valuable traits of the willow include its flexibility. The willow is one of the few trees that can bend in outrageous poses without snapping. This is a powerful metaphor for those of us on a spiritual path. The message here is to adjust with life rather than fight it.

Further testimony to its adaptability, is the willow's ability to not only survive, but thrive in some of the most challenging conditions. The willow is a prolific grower, often taking root from a single branch that has fallen into some marshy bog.

In all, the willow reminds us to take heed of this lesson: Keep growing and reaching higher no matter where you are planted."

Wow.. This is the epitome of me, this fits so perfectly in my walk through life! Reading this solidified that it was meant for me and one day I plan to be buried under a willow on the shore!
I began drawing what I pictured the tattoo to look like, bought my ideas to Doc and he freehand drew the rough draft on my back. After our 1st session we made it a little over 1/3 the way done so stay tuned to see the final product in a couple weeks!

Day 9 -- Student Teaching

Began Monday with warming up both first and second periods and sending them to the weight room to meet with my co teacher. He gave both classes a great short and sweet talk about me taking over his classes and how they're performance and attitude should not change, treating me as they would him. Following him I gave my own short spiel telling them more about me and why I'm here to teach them as well as have them my expectations of them. The rest of the class went very well and I already saw an improvement in the students with me so it was well worth the speech!
4th period we had a circuit with jogging and weight machines followed by a great lunch with left over chicken florentine!
5th and 6th we had the fitness room again, so we had the same circuit as 4th period.
After I left for the day I ran home, picked up Kolbi and a hot tea just in time to make it out to the park to watch the sunset!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 8 -- Student Teaching

Friday was my first day to take over both weights classes for first and second period. The kids treated me more like a substitute teacher rather than their real teacher, so it was very challenging for both periods. I would get everyone's eyes and ears on me to explain what we were doing and setsxreps then would let them begin after making sure they didn't have questions. Once I let them begin over half the class asked me what we were doing, said they didn't understand, and mixed up the entire workout while it was also on the whiteboard in front of them. We got through the period and afterwards I spoke to my co teacher and asked him if we could have a talk with both classes Monday before we began. He agreed that it was important for them to understand my position at the HS and what he expects of them for being my students.
Then 4-6 periods we ran a large station circuit in the main and small gym. I watched as my other co teacher explained the stations to the first class, then I took over for 5th and 6th. Most of our students were descent, but I was the group of 8th graders that we had to keep an eye on from another class that were a little reckless with the equipment.
By the end of the day Friday I had almost lost my voice from having to yell over others and to explain instructions in the gym so lesson learned on my part, never raise my voice because its easily lost or hoarse.
On the upside I made my own spicy orange chicken for lunch which was amazing!! Had my portioned boiled chicken with mustard, siracha and a little oriental sauce, ugh it was so good!!
Found myself nodding my head as I chewed every bite :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 7 -- Student Teaching

Thursday began with my 1st and 2nd periods being weights, their Thursdays are resting game day. So I ran both periods with warm ups then had one large game of touch and go with a foam soccer ball, reducing injuries ;). 3rd period prep, 4th period watched as my co teacher taught yoga, then 5th and 6th were all mine again. The last 2 periods of the day are freshman who normally just have general PE, but on Thursdays now we have the weight room. Each class was 36-39 students with only 10 platforms to work on it split them into groups of 3 on each 4 for the run over. 1 person at a time was in the bar and I ran them through a series of barbell lifts through proper progression. The 5th period was riled up and the lesson worked, but it was an extreme challenge to keep them focused. 6th period went much smoother with knowing what to expect from the freshman.
After school ran a few errands and was able to get a 45 minute swim session in with my friend Aly. Afterwards we then went straight to the gym and had a great bench workout!
2x8-10x95 bench
3x6-8x115 bench
1x10x95 bench
3x8x95 wide grip bench
3x10x75 decline bench
3x10x25 db curl/military press
2x10x30 db pullover
2x10x25 db tricep press
8 minute spin bike cool down
Got home and took Glutamine right away then ate a little late, but overall was a great day!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 6 -- Student Teaching

Team Phionix made it to the HS today! Wednesday was an interesting day.. I have had a sore on my limb that I then noticed a hive like reaction breaking out on my ankle, left hip and both arms that was itching like crazy. I had to wait till the end of the day to get in and see the doctor so I managed to not touch it all day at school, which was pretty miserable.
First period I watched again then took over for second running them through a great crossfit workout. 4th period was yoga, abs, and body weight exercises in the mat room. 5th period the main gym was open so I took over and had a badminton course where they rallied and worked on over head clears and rotated often to keep them interested and engaged. 6th period we shared the auxiliary gym with another class so between us 3 teachers we split the class up and had basketball in the gym with myself and another teacher and everyone else went to the mat room.
Right once school let out I jumped ship to get to the doctor before our student teaching meeting. Doctor said they had no idea what it could be since I've not changed anything in my house, soap, or diet. So they gave me some meds to hopefully flush it out and I go back Friday to see them again.
Following, went straight to my student teaching meeting where we figured out what projects we need to complete during teaching and what types of evidence to provide. Ran home after to cook a great dinner for my roommates and myself, polenta with steamed veggies and a little pasta sauce yum!
After cooking I decided to take a picture of my food cupboard to share with everyone, I've never felt so great and energy filled thank goodness for a clean diet!

Day 5 -- Student Teaching

Tuesday was another great day at the high school. I watched first period then ran second period with a couple bone heads in there they always make that class more fun with the challenge of keeping them on task! Forth period I watched as they ran through the Geo-Mat dances in the mat room with a close out of yoga and abs. Fifth and sixth period we had the main gym to play Badminton, one of my favorites. 5th period I watched as my co teacher directed and I played with our deaf student which was tons of fun! 6th period I had the class to myself so I ran them through a quick opening to the sport than let them loose.

Body feels pretty fatigued, but as every day goes by the stronger I get as well as my body adapts to the high school full day schedule. Just gotta keep trucking and stay strong!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 4 -- Student Teaching

Attempted to wake up at 530 to swim for an hour before school, but my body apparently needed another 2 hours of sleep. Had a quick breakfast bar and started first period with warming up the students for my teacher. He then had me watch the rest of the class while helping out a little with form and technique. 2nd period I had the class to myself with warm ups and the rest of the period. It was a little challenging for the students to switch to me as their teacher, I noticed a few students tried testing my boundaries with class. Overall went well though then I also watched 4th period with teaching 5th and 6th on my own again. I know these first couple times I teach will be difficult for the students to adapt to since they've had my co teacher all year, but it will get better as each day goes by.
As for my body and health standing and working 8 hours straight each day it's gotten better each day. Last week was pretty unbearable standing and walking for that long that I actually built a sore up on the end of my left limb. Over the weekend it began to heal and is still healing now. Structurally I've been struggling with neck, upper back, lumbar, and hips, but with the help of Dr. Bridgeman at Lazer, Spine and Disc I've found relief for the tight uncomfortable out of place joints. Also was able to get a great spin bike session in tonight paired with abs and rolling out that will hopefully make a huge difference for tomorrow.
For lunch today I had my plain chicken breast with brown rice mixed with mustard and siracha cock sauce and spinach mixed with my homemade black bean/corn salsa (recipe I got from my friend Chelsea Murphy MS, RD, CD).

After my workout I made a snack for my mornings that I call protein cupcakes. They normally have lunch meat in the bottom to make the cup for the egg, but I didn't have any so I based the cup with spinach, then crack the egg, add chopped red pepper, and I boiled chicken to chop and sprinkle on top as well. Bake on 350 for 17 minutes then add a sprinkle of cheese on top and put back in for 4 more minutes and boom delicious protein cupcake!! Either throw it in the microwave for 45 secs or eat it cold, both great protein snacks!
Oh and you know when you're exhausted when you find that you put your pre workout in your dish rack after using t... Wow Dork!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day -- 3 Student Teaching

Today was a half day with a CCR which is where the teachers meet with a group of students to plan for their future in work, school, or military. Our CCR group practiced filling out applications for the specific avenue they chose with us guiding them through it. Following our half day, most all of the staff stayed at school for the full day. For me I went to a meeting for the P.E. department where we spoke about the schedule for each period of each day which actually took quite a while. Another topic was the budget and lockdown procedures to fine tune after the recent incident at Sandy Hook. Very comforting knowing that we have a plan, but scary to think that we might use it someday..

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 2 -- Student Teaching

Day 2 went well, was able to help out more today running warm ups and helping with technique. Had my first ankle injury today and was allowed to take care of her so I also taped my first students ankle and it looked so good!! That athletic training summer class I took definitely payed off!

After being on my feet for 8 hours I could feel my body wanted to shut down on my way home. Instead of letting it take me out for the rest of the day, I took Kolbi to the park, then went grocery shopping and cooked dinner.
I unfortunately didn't have time to get a lift in, but I plan to later to tonight and tomorrow morning to make up for it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 1--Student Teaching

Today my day began at 6 am where I got up early enough to shower, eat and take care of Kolbi before I left for my first full day back in high school.
My 1st and 2nd periods are in the weight room with a Crossfit circuit twist which I love followed by my prep period. Then I transfer to other supervising teacher in the gym for periods 4-6 where we teach a lifetime sport/yoga/body works with body weight classes.
Overall the kids are awesome and both supervising teachers are great and I look forward to learning the ins and outs from them.

Stay tuned for a daily log of my experience as an amputee PE teacher ;)!