Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 7 -- Student Teaching

Thursday began with my 1st and 2nd periods being weights, their Thursdays are resting game day. So I ran both periods with warm ups then had one large game of touch and go with a foam soccer ball, reducing injuries ;). 3rd period prep, 4th period watched as my co teacher taught yoga, then 5th and 6th were all mine again. The last 2 periods of the day are freshman who normally just have general PE, but on Thursdays now we have the weight room. Each class was 36-39 students with only 10 platforms to work on it split them into groups of 3 on each 4 for the run over. 1 person at a time was in the bar and I ran them through a series of barbell lifts through proper progression. The 5th period was riled up and the lesson worked, but it was an extreme challenge to keep them focused. 6th period went much smoother with knowing what to expect from the freshman.
After school ran a few errands and was able to get a 45 minute swim session in with my friend Aly. Afterwards we then went straight to the gym and had a great bench workout!
2x8-10x95 bench
3x6-8x115 bench
1x10x95 bench
3x8x95 wide grip bench
3x10x75 decline bench
3x10x25 db curl/military press
2x10x30 db pullover
2x10x25 db tricep press
8 minute spin bike cool down
Got home and took Glutamine right away then ate a little late, but overall was a great day!

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