Day 11 - Wednesday
1st & 2nd period we had a great workout:
Dynamic warmup
3 rounds of push up holds for 45 seconds then 15 push ups
-in between rounds we had technique bar work to warm up and prep for the main lift.
Hang Power Snatch 6x2
WOD: for time- boys @ 135 lbs - girls @ 75 lbs
12 x power clean & jerk
8 x power clean & jerk
6 x power clean & jerk
4 x power clean & jerk
2 x power clean & jerk
3 rounds of handstand holds x 40 seconds
Yoga stretch
3rd period prep I worked on homework for my TPA followed by 4th period watching my cooperating teacher with his body works class.
5th & 6th period we played Badminton, I taught the class on my own so I had them focus on forehand and backhand drives with a partner then had them rally. As they rallied I had everyone on the in court sides to rotate once to their right every 3-4 minutes to change up their opponents equally. I've found that by adding that rotation it removes any possibility for students to be or feel left out. It also allows students who would normally not converse to get to know each other as they play against each other.
Overall good day.
Day 12 - Thursday extended periods
1&2nd period we had our normal warm up followed by:
3 rounds of 20 hollow rocks + 10 tuck crunch
-in between rounds we had technique bar work to warm up and prep for the main lift.
Front Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
WOD: 4 rounds for best time:
15 x toes 2 bar
10 x DB Snatch (take off ground, 5 each arm) Bs 45lbs Gs 25 lbs
3 rounds of 10 strap push ups + 5 strap flys
Yoga stretch
Once we finished we played a large game of touch and go with the class in the auxiliary gym which was tons of fun during both periods.
3rd period prep I worked on homework for my TPA followed by 4th period watching my cooperating teacher with his body works class doing yoga and step aerobics.
5&6th my cooperating teacher had a doctors appointment so I was left with the kids on my own for the extended periods. Both periods we started in the weight room for my version of quick bar technique teaching. I had 36+ students that consisted of mainly freshmen weigh only 10 platforms to work on so they were separated into groups of 3-4 on each platform. Since their bodies are new to muscular development and strength I had everyone using the light body bars so they could practice and learn the proper technique rather than use too much weight and injure themselves due to their inexperience. For both classes this went really well, kept them busy Jd they were able to learn the terms while practicing the skills. 5th period we went down to the main gym and we played link tag for the rest of the class. 6th period on the other hand did not go so well after we made our transfer from the weight room to the main gym.
We began with a game of link tag, but as the game progressed I noticed 6 students that took over the game out of 36 students and secluded the rest of the class by only playing with themselves not linking to anyone else. So I had to think of something to change to quickly and had everyone pick a partner then stand in a line across from their partner. I was going to trick the students by having partner 1 be on a team with all the other p1 and vice versa for partner 2, but the 6 boys I had issues with before caught on right away. Instead of following my directions they proceeded to get very loud ignoring me and were rearranging the teams. With proximity in mind I placed myself other middle of them and rearranged them like before as I turned around they began to complain and swear that this was stupid and bull**** so I had the entire line up together on the basketball baseline and had them run 2 down and backs. After, I had them sit on the baseline and I explained to them that due to the lack of attention and respect from part of the class that our game day was paused. I picked out the six kids who were misbehaving and had them stand aside then gave the rest of the class basketballs and volleyballs and granted them free time for the rest of the period. For the 6 I attempted to talk to them about respect and why I removed them from the t of the class, but they still ignored me and talked to each other so I ran them down and back for the last 10 minutes. As they did so they didn't listen and walked or jogged with one of the boys who kept spitting on the gym floor. I was so disappointed with them that was the absolute worst anyone has ever treated me as a teacher and I felt it was really disrespectful especially with their main teacher being at the doctor.
I prepared myself to have a good talk with my cooperating teacher the next day about the specific event and also just an overall discipline plan and protocol he wanted me to follow if it were. Ever to be like that again.
Day 13 - Friday
My day started with planning 3rd period which I worked on my lesson plans for my TPA followed by a MLK assembly. The assembly was great, discrimination is one of my favorite things to fight for rather it be race, gender or disability! Following the assembly I had 4th period with my same cooperating teacher for 5&6. I told him about the incident while he was gone and he was pretty disappointed! We agreed we needed to have a talk with both classes for them to understand my position as their teacher because I am now their real teacher for the next 7 weeks and I will be grading them. We won't see those classes until next Tuesday though, but it will be a great talk!
After 4th we were out of school 2 hours early so I got a little jump to my weekend that I used for catching up with my dog and running errands that are much needed!
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