Monday- no school for Martin Luther King Day.
Tuesday- Day 14
Periods 1 & 2 were great as normal today. At the beginning of each class I did notice it took a little longer to get everyone to focus after returning to school from their 3 day weekend.
BWC: 3 rounds strict chin ups + 3 kipping pull ups
Bar technique work in between rounds (Burgner warmup)
BBG: Squat Snatch 6x1
WOD: 8 minutes AMRAP
30 x KB sumo Deadlift high pull
15 x ball slams
7 x close grip bench
Bonus: 30 second hollow rock holds + 10 tuck crunch
4th-6th period we had a substitute teacher for my cooperating teacher and due to the previous weeks issue with 6th period I decided to sit aside and observe as the substitute taught class instead of me. 4 and 5 were good for the sub and 6th period was a little challenging. The 6 students that I had the behavioral misconduct with tried to apologize to me, but it was goofy and not sincere so I did my best to ignore them and tell them we'd be talking about it once their normal teacher was back the following day. Two of the students proceeded to sneak up behind me and try to hug me, but I was able to block their arms and tell them not to touch me and they are not allowed to touch me. Once I stood my ground they payed attention to the sub and the rest of the class was fine.
Wednesday- Day 15
Periods 1 & 2 were great as normal today, I filmed both classes for my lesson that I have to provide real time footage for my TPA.
BWC: 6 rounds HSPU or pike push up + 12 clapping push ups
Bar technique work in between rounds (Burgner warmup)
BBG: Squat Clean 6x2
WOD: for time
12x strict DB shoulder press single arm 6 each side
10x Burpee/Deadlift
12x strict DB shoulder press single arm 6 each side
8x Burpee/Deadlift
12x strict DB shoulder press single arm 6 each side
6x Burpee/Deadlift
Bonus: planks @ 40 seconds + 10 arch rocks
4-6 period today we sat the class down before we began and my cooperating teacher gave them each a talk about my position as their student teacher. The classes responded well, but 6th period we had to go more in depth and be more specific to the incident that occurred the week before. 6th period responded well and the 6 students gave me a sincere apology afterward. We then began our fitness testing for the end of their semester with sit-ups and push-up maxing followed by free time. During free time I spoke to my supervising teacher about switching my teaching schedule from 3rd planning and 4th teaching to 3rd teaching with my other co teacher and 4th planning. He was great about it and said it would be perfectly fine!
Thursday- Day 16
Today was my first official observation from my supervisor from the college during 1st period. 1st period was their final for the semester:
BWC: 3 rounds strict strap dips + 10 close push ups
BBG: Split Jerk 4x2
Front Squat 4x2
WOD: using same weight as beg. of semester: for time: ISABEL
30x Snatches
Bonus: 3 rounds of tuck L sits
15 seconds each
3rd period I observed my cooperating teacher run the same workout for their final with the new class I would begin teaching next week.
5th period we had stretch testing and the PACER with free time for the remaining time.
Friday- Day 17
2nd period I taut their final for the semester:
BWC: 3 rounds strict strap dips + 10 close push ups
BBG: Split Jerk 4x2
Front Squat 4x2
WOD: using same weight as beg. of semester: for time: ISABEL
30x Snatches
Bonus: 3 rounds of tuck L sits
15 seconds each
Then 4th period planning with 6th period we had stretch testing and the PACER with free time for the remaining time.
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