Monday, February 18, 2013

Days 22 - 26 Week 6

Monday Day 22
Periods 1-3 I taught the same workout for each:
Dynamic warm ups in the auxiliary gym, transfer upstairs on a jog to the weight room.
BWC- 3 rounds
single leg squats x 8 each leg - do supported if needed
-bar technique work in between rounds with body bar or PVC
BBG- 6x2 Deadlift
WOD- 3 rounds for time:
10x bar muscle ups or pull ups + 10 chair dips
20x close push ups
20x leg levers
Bonus: 3 rounds
15x strap push ups
Dynamic stretch
-My favorite part of explaining todays workout to each class was demonstrating the single leg squats at the beginning. In the front center of the room i stood on one of the tall boxes and demonstrated what they should look like without support.  I held my prosthetic out in front of me and squatted down until my butt touched my heel, held it for 4 seconds explaining how they need to break parallel with their knee and hip then squatted back up and the kids were in "AWE." A couple came up to me and asked about how I was able to do that and it was pretty funny.
-The only issue I had in my morning classes was 3rd period with my first full class teaching them I have 2 wrestlers that were 15 minutes late. I took them aside as soon as the arrived and gave them an opportunity to explain why they were late. Once lied and said he was helping another teacher, so I told him to leave class and get a note for me from that teacher, but he said he didn't want to waste anymore class time so he didn't want to. I then told him he had one more chance to tell me the truth and he admitted he was lying and then said he was waiting for the other late student to come to class. The other student said that he was getting dressed for 25 minutes.. pretty fishy so I gave them both their first verbal warning and told them I expected for ten to be on time and honest for the rest of the week.

4th I had planning and lunch which I just used for catching up on TPA work and journals.

5th & 6th period I ran a dumbbell, body weight, and weight machine circuit, which we'll be doing every Monday.  The students were given a sheet that had exercise options separated under main muscle groups on one side and a weight/exercise log on the other side for them to track their performance. Both classes did pretty well.

Tuesday Day 23

Periods 1-3 I taught the same workout for each:
Dynamic warm ups in the auxiliary gym, transfer upstairs on a jog to the weight room.
BWC- 3 rounds 
5 normal push ups + 4 close push ups + 3 wide push ups + 2 hindu push ups + 1 one arm push up
-bar technique work in between rounds with body bar or PVC
BBG- 6x2 Push Press
WOD- 5 rounds for time
7x squat clean thrusters
15x T2B (toes 2 bar)
Bonus- 3 rounds
single leg planks @ 30 secs ~ 15 secs per leg
-All 3 classes were great with the exception of 1 group of 3 students in my third period. In that group there's 2 students who are a little more physically challenged for some of our exercises so I do 1-on-1 teaching technique with them everyday. Well today their 3rd partner was helping them out, but he was teaching them the incorrect way to perform the exercise so I interjected and began to help the students. The 3rd student then interrupted me and said not to listen to me and to listen to him. I then kept my cool and told him to focus on his own workout and to get to work, which didn't give him the option to continue talking. I then helped the students very quickly with focusing on a few easy cues to remember and they instantly got the movement down. At the end of the class I asked the 3rd student to stay back for a minute so I could talk to him. Once the class dispersed I then explained to him why I asked him to stay back followed by explained to him that it's my place to teach technique not the students to do so (mainly because this stupid didn't know how to teach his peers correctly). I then asked him not to teach under or over me in the future, but to help myself and his friends by listening to the simple cues that I give them to assist them in the progression of correct technique and help them out by telling them the same cues. Overall the talk went well and he agreed to letting me teach and helping out with the same ideas I teach.

5th & 6th period we played pickle ball, had them break up into pairs and work on forehand drive and backhand drive for half the period.  For the remaining half I gave them free play time to work on rallying with their partner or playing doubles.  Their were quite a few boys in both classes that were distracted, but I found that I have to let them be a little crazy to get i tout of their system then they're great for the rest of the class.

Wednesday Day 24
Periods 1-3 I taught the same workout for each:
Dynamic warm ups in the auxiliary gym, transfer upstairs on a jog to the weight room.
BWC- 3 rounds 
15 hollow rocks + 10 tuck crunch
-bar technique work in between rounds with body bar or PVC
BBG- New students: Hang Squat Snatch 4x2
Old students: Squat Snatch (from floor) 4x2
WOD- 4 rounds for time:
10x American KettleBell Swings
8x strict pull ups
10x DB Hang Clean and Split Jerk
Bonus- 3 rounds
5x strict leg levers
-1st period I had my 2nd observation by my university supervisor, who is always a pleasure to have in my class.  She loves watching how hard my class works and compliments me on how she can never pick out even one slacker ever.
-3rd period my same 2 wrestlers were late to class again, I pulled them aside again and gave them their second warning for the week followed by informing my cooperating teacher of their misbehavior.

5th & 6th period we warmed up outside then played separated games of touch and pass. Both classes behaved well and had a great time during the games.

Thursday Day 25
Periods 1-3 we had an active rest/game day, which the kids love since they work terribly hard during every workout we have. I gave the classes options of what games we'd play and all 3 wanted to play Touch and Pass.
-3rd period I had just one of the two wrestlers come late (the other was on time), for his 3rd time in the same week I had to pull him aside again. I was glad it happened on the game day though because I was able to have a longer more in-depth conversation with him standing next to the game so I was able to monitor the entire class during. I asked him nicely to explain to me what was going on, he told me he didn't have to explain anything to me so I then told him well I am your teacher who gives you the grade for your participation in this class. I explained why he's been docked three times this week and as I continued to talk to him he then turned his back to me and walked away. Unfortunately, due to his actions I then had to follow the schools disciplinary protocol to send him to the office until the end of class. He left, then came back 10 minutes later without permission to and asked if he could now participate in the game with the class. I told him he has lost that privilege with his previous actions and sent him back to the office. Instead of going to the office he went up to the weight room and worked out, which I did not know until after class. After class I went to the office to find that he was not there, I then went up to my cooperating teachers office to explain the situation to then find out from him of the students whereabouts. My cooperating teacher then advised me to follow the protocol, meaning that my next step was writing the student up through the principal. I did not enjoy writing the student up, but I had to follow the disciplinary plan.

5th & 6th period I had 36-38 students in the weight room, so I ran a light weight circuit for them to get as many rounds finished within 12 minutes. Before beginning I had all the students practice the technique of each exercise giving them an easy warm up and teaching them to perform it correctly. I notice with these two classes that I have to keep them moving to keep them focused so the circuit was perfect for them to be busy during the whole class.

Friday Day 26
Periods 1-3 I taught the same workout for each:
Dynamic warm ups in the auxiliary gym, transfer upstairs on a jog to the weight room.
BWC- 3 rounds 
8x strict chin ups
-bar technique work in between rounds with body bar or PVC
BBG- New st.: Hang Squat Clean- 4x2
Old st.: Squat Clean (from floor)- 4x2
WOD- 4 rounds for time:
25x KB sumo deadlift high pull
6x hang power snatch
10x HSPU or pike push ups
7x bar dips or chair dips + 5 clap push ups
-All 3 periods were great and the student that I wrote up in 3rd period actually dropped my class, pretty sure it was because I wasn't going to let him misbehave.

5th & 6th the school hosted a wrestling tournament so the gym was closed off to us. Instead we walked around the track outside for a free day and just relaxed instead which went pretty well.

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